When A Client Insists on Longer Lashes
Haven't we all had that client that wants longer and thicker lashes every single time you see them? Isn't it ironic that it's usually the same client that initially said they wanted a more natural look? Or they don't want anything that looks "fake?"
It's happened to me more times than I can remember over the years. The strangest part was that when I gave them the longer lashes they asked for, most of the time they weren't happy with the results. They'd say the lashes were TOO long and then they'd want to go back to how they were before.
So I found a happy balance. And now when I client says they want to go big and get longer lashes, I take a different route first.
Many times when a client says they want more length, what they're really saying is that they want to be able to see their lashes when they look in the mirror. This means when they're looking head on, they need to be able to see their lashes from the front.
Think about it. If you applied an A or B curl lash and you make it longer, the client will only see the majority of that added length from their side view rather than from the front. Since they want to see more lash when they look head on in the mirror, you can satisfy most clients by simply using a lash extension that has a stronger curl.
So as an example, lets say you've done a full set using B curl lashes. If your client wants longer lashes, fill in that set of B curl lashes with a C curl of the same lengths as the B's you used. You may even want to pop in a few C curls that are 1-2mm longer depending on the client. Doing this will add a little extra pop that your client can immediately see. You don't want to replace the entire set with a stronger curl initially because that may be too much of a drastic change for your client. Instead, slowly introduce the stronger curl into their existing set of lashes and pay attention to their reaction.
Volume lashes using a B curl
Volume lashes using a C curl
A second option is to mix in a few longer lengths as opposed to doing a full set of long lashes. By popping in a few longer lashes here and there and keeping the rest shorter, the client will get a more dense lash line from the shorter lashes you've used and a little pop from the longer lashes.
The great thing about both options is that the client gets lash extensions that aren't too heavy and long for their natural lashes which down the line saves them from damage.
Remember, you're the pro. It's up to you to interpret what your client is really saying and give them what they want in a way that's not harmful to their natural lashes. Don't be afraid to ask questions and even ask for examples. It works!
Have you tried either of these advanced styling techniques? Share your experience, thoughts or questions in the comments below.